About company

We specialize in design and production of car body welding lines, welding devices and inspection gauges for the automotive industry.

Client logo list

CAD Engineering was established in March 2009. In June 2014, in order to support its further development, the Company was transformed into CAD Engineering Sp. z o.o. (a limited liability company).

We deal with the comprehensive development and production of the car body welding lines and the welding devices for the needs of the automotive industry. We provide the complete service – from design and execution to start-up and putting into production.

Our Company is a manufacturer of welding machines for nuts, studs, washers, etc. We also design and produce the inspection gauges.

Providing the high-quality workmanship, relatively low manufacturing costs and fast communication to our customers, we are able to satisfy our customers’ stringent requirements.

CAD Engineering is based on the team of experienced engineers who have gained their professional experience in the projects executed for the automotive industry companies – BMW, GM, DaimlerChrysler, Fiat, PSA, VW and Audi among others.

ISO 9001:2015

In April 2017 our Company implemented the Quality Management System in accordance with ISO 9001:2015.

Our offer

We are able to provide you with the services ranging from design and execution to start-up and putting into production. The following is more detailed description of our competence.

Autodesk Inventor Siemens NX


In CAD Engineering we carry out the designing process in accordance with the latest standards and the stringent requirements of the automotive industry. We execute the projects starting from the initial concepts and ending in the individualized final solution that is best suited for the particular customer.

In the designing process we use the modern tools of the computer-aided design (CAD). Our office is equipped with the workstations with the Siemens NX 10 and the Autodesk Inventor 2018 software installed.

Simulations and Robots Programming

Running simulations during the designing process, we are able to select the best configuration for each station. The computer simulations make it possible for us to obtain the optimal motions of the robot and to avoid collisions during the station start-up.

We provide programming of the following robots: Motoman, Fanuc, ABB.

CNC Machining

Our Company specializes in machining the workpieces using CNC machines. We are able to machine all types of steel, non-ferrous metals and plastics.

CAD Engineering offers also comprehensive execution of the welded structures. Our goal is to provide our customers with the high-quality workmanship and the timeliness of deliveries.

Electrical installations and PLC programming

We provide design services in the field of:

  • electrical wiring systems,
  • pneumatic systems,
  • PLC-based hydraulic systems (Siemens, Omron, Mitsubishi).

3D measurement

We provide our customers with measurement services using the following measuring machines: the Sheffield - Discovery III (sizes: 762x1016x609) and the Romer Arm (1.8m long).

Examination and control instruments

From the very beginning of its activity CAD Engineering has been dealing with design and production of inspection gauges and devices.

Robotized cells

CAD Engineering offers the robotic cells made according to its own standards.

Production of welding machines

CAD Engineering sp. z o.o. is a manufacturer of welding machines for nuts, washers and studs. We manufacture the machines with either automatic nut loading units or suited to manual loading.

  • our machines are easily retooled,
  • possibility of the welded parts inspection and detection of the upside-down nuts,
  • possibility of automatic discharge of the welded parts to the containers,
  • performance characteristics of our machines depend upon the parts to be welded.

Tightening machines

Our Company provides the machines for wet leak tests (submersion method).


We are currently looking for people for the following positions::



  • designing the welding devices for car bodies and other automotive parts in Siemens NX or Autodesk Inventor software,
  • preparing the operation documentation,


  • university degree in technology (Mechanical Engineering or Automatic Control),
  • very good knowledge of Siemens NX or Autodesk Inventor software,
  • good command of English,
  • creative problem-solving skills in addressing technical issues,
  • knowledge of the automotive industry – its issues and standards.



  • designing the industrial control systems (electrical, pneumatic),
  • programming the plc controllers of industrial machinery,
  • selecting the technical solutions,
  • preparing the working documentations.


  • practical skills in designing with the EPLAN design software
  • practical skills in programming the PLCs - Siemens,
  • experience in the machine design (electrical systems, pneumatic systems),
  • knowledge of the PLC-based control systems,
  • ability to select the components of the machine control systems,
  • knowledge of the machinery safety standards,

Are You interested in one of uour offers?
Call us or send e-mail on this address:


Did you like what we do? Or maybe you want to know more and get to know us? Contact us in a convenient way for you.

Company data:

+48 +48 32 726 76 73
+48 +48 692 638 286
ul. Przemysłowa 3
44-203 Rybnik
view on map
642 318 67 13

Contact form:

Administratorem Państwa danych osobowych jest CAD ENGINEERING Sp. z o.o. z siedzibą w Rybniku pod adresem: ul. Przemysłowa 3 (kod pocztowy: 44-203) zarejestrowana w rejestrze przedsiębiorców Krajowego Rejestru Sądowego, X Wydział Gospodarczy KRS Sądu Rejonowego w Gliwicach pod numerem 0000513106, REGON: 243584694, NIP: 6423186713. Skontaktować się można z nami tradycyjnie, pisząc na adres naszej siedziby, mailowo (office@cadengineering.pl) i telefonicznie (32 728 67 10);

  1. Podstawą prawną przetwarzania Państwa danych jest art. 6 ust. 1 lit. a RODO (tzn. dobrowolna zgoda), art. 6 ust. 1 lit. b, (tzn. przetwarzanie jest niezbędne do wykonania umowy, której jesteś stroną lub do podjęcia działań na Państwa żądanie przed zawarciem umowy), art. 6 ust. 1 lit. c RODO (tzn. przetwarzanie jest niezbędne do wypełnienia obowiązku prawnego, który na Nas ciąży takiego jak np. obowiązek archiwizacyjny) oraz art. 9 ust. 2 lit. f RODO (tzn. przetwarzanie jest niezbędne do ustalenia, dochodzenia lub obrony roszczeń).
  2. W ramach realizacji umowy lub obowiązku prawnego Państwa dane mogą być przekazywane partnerom handlowym świadczącym usługi np. hostingowe na terytorium Unii Europejskiej.
  3. Nie dokonujemy żadnych analiz Państwa preferencji i nie gromadzimy na Państwa temat innych danych bez Państwa wiedzy i odrębnej zgody.
  4. W związku z przetwarzaniem przez nas Państwa danych macie Państwo prawo dostępu do nich, ich sprostowania, żądania usunięcia lub ograniczenia przetwarzania, prawo do wniesienia sprzeciwu wobec przetwarzania a także prawo do przenoszenia danych. Przysługuje też Państwu prawo do złożenia skargi do organu nadzorczego.
  5. Podanie danych jest oczywiście dobrowolne, ale może być konieczne do wykonania ciążącego na nas obowiązku. Dane osobowe przetrzymywane są przez czas konieczny do realizacji umowy i wykonania obowiązku prawnego.

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